Opimian Event

I received a request from our partner Opimian to share their upcoming event below with our members. Details and price are included in this link.  https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/opimian-cellar-tasting-toronto-tickets-901472587777?utm_experiment=test_share_listing&aff=ebdsshios Diana R Burke Board President & Director

Opimian Free Delivery of wine

Dear IWFS Toronto Members,We have some good news.We’re rolling out direct-to-consumer delivery for Opimian members in Ontario.That’s right, no more waiting months for the LCBO to get around to processing our orders and then schlepping out to pick it up at an LCBO store.Here’s the better news: there is no additional cost to you for this 3rd party … Read more

Waiter bring me a Warhol ’75

Ever wonder where Artist wine labels came from and how it all started. An informative article link is below. ‘Waiter! A bottle of 1975 Warhol please’ – why every great artist has to do a wine label…..https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2022/jan/18/waiter-a-bottle-of-1975-warhol-please-why-every-great-artist-has-to-do-a-wine-label?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other.

Dining In The 1600’s

Article from: https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/unusual-wine-glasses THIS ISN’T A CANDY DISH, or a cake stand. It’s a wine glass, circa 1600, from Venice, Italy. Sound tough? The difficulty was the point. Courtiers were expected to embody the ideal of the brim with red wine. You’d be expected to lift it by wrapping three fingers around the base, If If … Read more

IWFS Weekend in San Francisco

Dear Members and Friends: Please find below our final menus and expanded wine selection for this year’s tour de force weekend at One65!This Weekend Celebration is dedicated to the memory of mydear friends and mentors, Haskell and Rae NormanWe are delighted to present our 18th annual Bordeaux and DRC weekend in San Francisco. As you will read, … Read more